Richard William Reaves   "Dick"


1204 Sturdivant Drive
Cary, North Carolina 27511

Contact Information:

Cellphone: (919) 467-7712

Pledge Class: Spring 1969
Pledge Brothers: Chris Smith · Hilton Settle · Fred Campbell · Ernie Simmons · Phillip Critcher · Dave Hoffman
Pledge Master: G.A. Baker
Big Brother: Mike Kelley
Little Brothers: Bruce Woodcock · Charles Moore
Birth Year:
Graduated in 1972 Co-op class of 1971
Major: Civil Engineering
Significant Other: Shelia Reaves Co-Sweetheart with Karen O'Meara (Sigma Nu)
Children: Shannon (1973), Jessie (1975), & Kelly (1977)
Pi Kappa Office: Commander of Sigma Nu

Yaz, Dick Reaves, and Bob Hudson, Amelia Island

Hudson, Yaz, and Dick Reaves 11-2014, Amelia Island