Mike Kelley


6437 Trail Lake Drive
Ft. Worth, Texas 76113

Contact Information:


Cellphone: (817) 793-6465

Pledge Class: Spring 1967
Pledge Brothers: Ron Van Sise · Fred Thrall · Charlie Peterson · Terry Sutton
Pledge Master:
Big Brother: Newt Robertson
Little Brother: Dick Reaves
Birth Year: 1948
Graduated in 1979, U of Maryland; 1991, University of Georgia
Major: BA in Government & Politics (UMD); Med Social Science Ed. (UGA)
Significant Other: Claire Jones
Children: Reid (1987), Drew (1992), & Quinn (1999)
Pi Kappa Office:
Occupation: Teacher
Hobbies: Guitarist, Singer, & Songwriter

Mike Kelley Jamming with Neil Young (not in picture)