Pete Costenbader


Westminster Canterbury
3100 Shore Drive
Apt. 1251
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451

Contact Information:

Cellphone: (757) 340-2006

Home: (757) 496-1499

Pledge Class: Fall 1961
Pledge Brothers: Kenneth Fink · Irv Cox · Don Poole · PA Miller · George Jones · George Blount · Smiley Morison · Robert Pugh · Harry Ellen · Fred Harrell
Pledge Master: Frank Widgins
Big Brother: Wayne Powell
Little Brother: Everett Milteer
Birth Year: 1939
Graduated in 1964
Major: Business Administration
Significant Other: Ann for 53 great years
Children: Bryan (1967) & Karen (1970)
Pi Kappa Office:
Occupation: My past Occupation was Head Broker Owner of Hatteras Realty, Inc. at Avon, NC.
Hobbies & Interest: Turkey Hunting, Salt Water Fishing, ACC Sports and Family Activities.

Ann and Pete in Normandy 2009

Turkeys Fall 2011