Pi Kappa Over the Years
Pi Kappa Chili Cook-Off 4-25-15
(L to R) Tom Hodges, Bill Ballinger, Tom Strickler, Doug Macleod, Steve Brisbane, Ernie Simmons, Steve Alley, Dave McNamara, John Myers, Mike Baldauf, GA Baker, Pete Burke, John Miller and Jack Mulligan
(L to R) Ellen Burke, Rita Simmons, Susan Hodges, Billie Dismer, Carole Mulligan, Vicki Daniels, Amelia Ballinger, Joan Macleod, Willi McNamara
Tom Hodges, Doug Macleod, & Bill Ballinger
Lisa says, “Just wait till you try my Green Chili Guys"
Doug Macleod, Dave McNamara, & Lisa DePasqual (The Green Chili Queen)
Willi hoots it up!
John Myers, Willi McNamara, & Bill Ballinger
John Miller and Mike Baldauf
Vicki Daniels enjoys Tom Strickler pulling another great tale out of.....thin air
Ernie Simmors & Dave McNamara
Carole and Jack Mulligan
Billie Dismer and Bill Ballinger's daughter Amelia
Bill Ballinger
Billie Dismer and Mike Baldauf only weeks before their marriage
Two of Three entrees
Steve Brisbane, John Myers, & GA Baker
Ernie Simmons and Bill Ballinger
Tom Strickler with a two fingered grip on some very fine Chardonnay
Mac napping before making the big choice of which wine to drink
Vicki telling Jack Mulligan which is the best Chili
Mike Baldauf goes for the Arnold Palmer look and wins the door prize
Tom Hodges, backed up by lovely wife Susan tells Ernie Simmons that they both could have played pro-football
Somebody should make a run. I think we are getting low
Mike Baldauf is please with the mind control he is exercising over Bill Ballinger and GA Baker
Tom Hodges appears to be enjoying the fact the he is the first black brother initiated into Pi Kappa
Four lovely southern girls Amelia, Rita, Willi, and Billie. What's not to love?
Let the cook off begin
Doug Macleod's best kept secret, the lovely Miss Joan
Dave McNamara enjoying a glass of wine first thing Saturday morning
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